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Yoga Nidra is a vital part of some yogic paths. It is one of the best stress-reduction techniques there is and it allows the benefits of the yoga session to merge.
Physical Benefits of Yoga Nidra
In Yoga Nidra, you are completely relaxed and you revitalize the entire system which allows the body to heal and access energy. It also helps to manage stress, relieve pain, and attain peace of mind.
During Yoga Nidra, the heart, nervous system, and the cardiovascular system rest and your blood pressure lowers. A relaxed and calm body leads to a relaxed and calm mind.
We are a society of movers and shakers. All-day, every day is spent rushing from one thing to the next. We rarely set aside time to slow down and truly relax.

We all have different ways in which we relax and what is relaxing for you might not be relaxing for someone else. No matter what, the more deeply and completely you relax, the more beneficial and longer-lasting the effects.
How often do you truly relax? Yes, you may take the occasional hot bubble bah, which can be great for relieving tension but how do you quiet the mind? Are you still busy thinking about your day?
Why Should you Relax?

From watching horror movies, reading the newspaper, going to the gym or for a run, your mind and body are working hard all day. These activities can even stress the various systems of the body.
With practice, during Yoga Nidra, you may have a sense of being drawn inward. You learn that there is more to you than a physical body. You can leave your worries and expectations behind and just live in the moment. While yoga asanas in general help to address tension in our bodies, Yoga Nidra drops the body’s more subtle tensions and release them on a different level.
Deep relaxation literally switches everything off. It’s like taking a break to “get away from it all.” Psychology Today states that “Deep relaxation and meditation allows the parasympathetic nervous system to become active by down-regulating the sympathetic nervous system.”
Keep in mind that one goal of yoga is to control the mind so we can experience our true self—peace. To do this, we have to be able to keep the body still and free from tension. Yoga Nidra helps us to move from the material world and all of its distractions.
Staying conscious and quiet is challenging; our habit is to act or at least tell a story with our mind. Yoga Nidra, pranayama, and meditation all help to bring them into balance.
There is deep relaxation in knowing you’re enough, in knowing that deep in your psyche you’re already significant-and no amount of success or failure is going to change that. It brings about ease. With ease, there is clarity With ease and clarify come acceptance, love, and compassion. We shed resistance, confusion, and judgment.

I need to try this at night. Maybe it will help me sleep better.
I need this! If I can figure out a way to take the time to do this…I am all in! Thanks for sharing!
It is nice that it lowers your blood pressure. I bet it is very relaxing.
This is my first time to hear about Yoga Nidra, I have never tried neither Yoga due to my busy schedule but this makes me feel interested to start.
I’d honestly not heard of this before. I’ve been looking into different
Types of yoga and this popped up. It sounds amazing, and definitely something I would benefit from! Great post witha lot of useful info. Love it!!
I’ve tried Kundalini yoga but not Nidra. I like how relaxing it sounds and how beneficial it is to your mind, body, and soul.
I know yoga has a lot of benefits to our mind and body. I’ve never tried it yet but I would love to!
I always wanted to try yoga. I really need all the benefits it brings to both the mind and body. I wish I can find time in the future.
I love to try this yoga it gives a lot of good benefits! nice
I think yoga would be good for my back. But I am not flexible. I attended a yoga class one time and I ended up fan girling on the instructress. Super sexy and lithe!
Not into yoga but I like relaxing. I kind of do my relaxing time in a not relaxing way since we have our own way of relaxing. Thanks for sharing your preference.
This sounds like a great type of yoga to help alleviate stress. My schedule is so busy and overwhelming, it would be nice to try this.
I have a weekly Yoga meetup to decompress. It has made a big difference in my life.
This is very informative. I recently started doing Ashtanga Yoga and i am loving it. It is very intense though.
I did not realize all of the different forms of Yoga were available. I love this Yoga Nidra and will be looking into this more for myself. This is all perfect for me 🙂